
My Ram's Bigger Than Your Ram

It was pretty much a perfect hunt. Heidi's brother Nathan flew in from Montana for a sheep hunt. His instructions, via text from Lyle: "3 day hunt. Be here tomorrow." And that's basically how it went down.

Nathan got his sheep on the first day of the hunt. 35 1/4" curl. Not too shabby.  And look how clean and beautiful it is. And how giant of a body it had!
Heidi got her sheep on the third day, and it was a little bit bigger.
It tumbled down the mountain for awhile breaking a couple chunks off of it's horns and splattering blood along the way. Saved them some packing distance, so it's all good.

 Who's looking forward to sheep sausage??


Raincoat Maker

That Dave Wilder can pull off ANYTHING! Is it just us or do his eyes sparkle when he smiles?
It was raining pretty good here this morning, but that did not detour Dave from heading out to fuel his Caravan. Since there was no let-up in sight, and no umbrellas, Dave just threw on a LPA hat and used a wonky pair of scissors to make himself a rockin' raincoat.



Welcome Sign

Thanks for your cool promo - using rocks from under peoples feet on the picnic table where people eat.
Thanks a lot boys!!


Happy Birthday Heidi!

It's Heidi's birthday tomorrow. But we threw her a party today!  
A cake. A sign. And a photo bomber. Perfect!
Happy 16th Heidi!!


Gifts From Gory

Gory showed up at the office with presents!  
He brought roses for Laura and BethAnne! And some donuts, that got scarfed up by everyone else.
We feel so loved Gory! Thank you!