
The Big Four

Lake & Pen Air's pilots.... Matt, Josh, Dave & Lyle. It just doesn't get better than this folks!
Notice Lake & Pen Air's newest addition - 9PV! Lyle recently flew it from Idaho to Alaska, and it's creamy leather seats are now comfortably flying passengers all over the state.
During the photo shoot a forklift conveniently rolled by and
took the camera up high for an overview of the ramp.
Someone asked the pilots to 'Do something fun!'  
One guy did. Two guys just laughed. The fourth guy walked away.
Which Lake & Pen Air pilot will take you on your next flight?  
I suggest you go on four flights - so each pilot gets a turn to wow you.


Home Depot Ain't Got Nothing On Us!

Lake & Pen Air's gate at the Kenai Airport has been needing a luggage cart.  
So Trusty Tim custom made one according to their specifications.  

Today he put the final touch on it - our cheerful Lake & Pen Air logo.
Kinda makes you want to travel doesn't it?! 

Call: 1-907-283-2227 to book a flight, and your luggage will get the best ride of it's life!


Who Ate My Cookies?

So Sharon, in the Port Alsworth office, was kind enough to send a container of cookies to me (Brian) 
in Anchorage. She clearly labeled the container "Brian".  

She sent the cookies to me on my day off knowing that no LPA employee would dare 
steal a cookie from a container with a name clearly labeled on it.  

But.... when I came in this morning I could barely understand Laura because of the food in her mouth
(presumably cookies). Laura muttered something like Sharon sent me a package.

I check the package and this is what I find...... 
Is that a bite mark out of my cookie??  LAAAUURRRRRRAAAAA!!!



It seems the day we moved into our new office/hanger/ramp two years ago,
this tree started to die. Why, you ask? We ask that too.
Regardless of all the speculative answers, today was it's last day standing.

Tim shoveled, and jimmied, and chain-sawed, and finally felled that tree.

Then we planted a new tree - a cute little one that blooms! - with very high hopes for it's survival.