
Aerial View of Port Alsworth

This is what a town built up around two runways in the middle of the Lake Clark National Park looks like.
When Dave & Jacque Wilder (LPA Founders) and their three children move to this little town, the population bumped up to 35 people. As word spread about how beautiful Port Alsworth was, land started selling, homes were built, children were born, and a two room school was needed.

The 2010 census said Port Alsworth had 159 residents. It's grown a bit since then but there's still no stop lights, movie theaters, or Starbucks. Those are precisely the reasons why people want to live here.

Many residents know how to fly. Those who don't catch rides with someone who does, like LPA, because at some point everyone needs to get groceries, see the doctor, or go Christmas shopping.

Port Alsworth is an amazing and unique Alaskan Bush village. Check out the book: A 20th Century Portrait of Lake Clark, Alaska - written by Port Alsworth resident John Branson who works at the Lake Clark National Park & Preserve headquarters here in Port Alsworth.

Lake and Pen Air would love to fly you to Port Alsworth (also our headquarters!) for an All-Inclusive Day-Trip or overnighter, so you can explore and discover it's beauty for yourself. Choose one of our Day-Trips, or let us know what you want and we'll build a custom trip just for you! You'll love it here!

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