
Chilly Turnagain Arm

The Turnagain Arm on the south side of Anchorage is privy to the worlds second largest tide! So no matter how chilly or down right frozen the rest of the state gets, the Turnagain Arm will not freeze. 
However, if you fly over the powerful surging waters during the heart of a winter chill you will see giant ice boulders en masse and often causing log jams in the corners of the inlet, or being pushed right out of the ocean onto it's banks.

This, my friends, is not the time to be out on your paddle board - you will be crushed. 

This is the time for a beautiful flight-tour! Fly with us around the inlet and take in the outstanding strength of the wild, untamable ocean. We do flight tours all year round so when you're ready for a beautiful scenery safari, give us a call: 907-345-2228

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